i can't stand retroscoping, or rotoscoping, or
inking, or whatever tracing is called nowadays.
your movie is just tracing over a movie scene and it's not original, although it was somewhat entertaining. But unless you improve on the visuals and use an original story, even if it's just a star wars themed skit, or a brief space drama and you used exaggaration to add a personal touch to what you're tracing.. i mean retroscoping, or you add something that wasn't in the original such as a waaaacky banana or dick and fart jokes.
(these are the worst possible situations i could think of, and have been done before, and to death so don't even think of using them)
or create an original space drama then you're better off going back to the OMG STICKS basics, then working your way up. remember: just because you have your style, and even if you like it, eventually you're gonna have to do something that isn't your style. and how can anyone be expected to know what your style is when you just draw stick figures or sprites?
personally, i'm a big fan of space cartoons. i'm not crazy about jot and jab, the bounty hunting goblins series on newgrounds, but that's because it has too many swears and is aimed at a demographic that's not my own. i'm pretty sure that it has the same target audience as "retarded animal babies", which is disturbingly popular and very unfunny, not to mention extremely overrated. i like frame by frame as much as the next guy, but some things really don't need that much attention to detail paid to them.
i'm pretty sure that if the author went back and opened the .FLA of any one of his episodes, take out all the items labeled "penis" or "fart" or "shit" or "big fuckin' titties" then you're left with very weak material that no one would find amusing or offensive.
these characters speak the language of certain NGBBS users, who shall remain nameless simply because i don't remember any of them, because they are immature people with horrible, pointless posts.
and right under the entire RAB series in thier favorites lists:
star wars gangsta rap
trendy sprite movie that recently made the front page
another gimmicky star wars movie
a music video to a popular song redone with lots of curse words
a music video to a system of a down song
limp bizkit
flashes with limp biscuit songs with no other redeeming qualities
and any foamy or ill will press movie.
the sound was epic but i've heard it all before. by people who put it to way better use than you did. i'll leave that one up to you.
violence, there was plenty of this. but it's kinda hard to tell. you can never kill geometric shapes, and chop a stickman in half, and sometimes he lives, but a lot of blood comes out for some reason.
these "geo-trees" you've used don't have arms or legs.. or any way to tell each other apart, or anything like that.
the only way i was able to tell them apart was the color of thier lightsabers, and that's not enough to make me care about them.
i was entertianed, but not impressed.