this is not something to be proud of.
honestly, i don't see the big deal about this. i admit that i was a pretty big dragonball and dragonball z fan before my nuts dropped, but i'm gonna try to look way beyond childhood bias.
i don't like dragonball enough to stop and watch it, but if i saw it while flipping through the channels, but i might stop for a few minutes to see if goku made his exciting last minute escape from namek yet.
as an original work, i'm not really all that impressed because this is not original.
even if you didn't trace, like you said, it's still basically stolen from an existing work. it's like a carbon copy of that one episode of dragonball z where goku goes super saiyan for the first time, so this flash delivers what it promises and not much else.
if i wanted to watch super saiyans, i'd go to youtube or another video site and click on any of the hundreds of thousands of shitty AMVs made with linkin park music or something. but i don't.
the animation was choppy and stiff.
seriously, man. you can't be this pretentious about everything.
just because a few kids kiss your ass over getting in the DBZ collection doesen't mean you're hot shit. deflate the ego a bit and try to work on something original, or go watch your beloved anime and red vs blue and be quiet about it.